Monday, February 8, 2010

The beginning of week 5! [for lack of a better title]

Wow, I can't believe I've been living in New York for 5 weeks! Seriously, every time I think about it in this way, it blows my mind. So much has happened in the last five weeks and it feels like I've only been here for a day or two. Here's a little update on life for all of my family and friends:

I absolutely LOVE my internship. There have definitely been days where I'm more tired or stressed, but for the most part, I'm so glad this is where God placed me. I'm getting to know all of the directors and publicists for the many CBS News shows and the other two interns and I get along really well. I actually look forward to going into work, which I never would have expected. Being a big girl and working in the professional world has been good for me. I actually wake up early, get dressed cute, and do my hair every day. I know, giant steps for Sara Martisek:) By the end of this semester, I know that this internship will have grown me in more ways than one. I hope to come out on the other end an even stronger woman and more valuable employee.

I absolutely LOVE where I live! Brooklyn Heights in adorable and everytime the subway stops at Clark Street, I feel like I've come home. It's so nice to be able to walk out of my building and find a grocery store, great New York pizza, and cute places to shop. My roommate and I are still getting along great and I'm making really good friends with the other girls in my program. Classes are good, but I was definitely in denial about the fact that I'm actually taking classes here in New York up until this past Saturday at 5 p.m. when two assignments were due. Well, I turned them in at 4:15 p.m. Helloooo Sara, time to get busy on that school work, ha!

I am beginning to miss people a bit. Of course I miss Luke, but we talk and skype all the time. We're hanging in there:) The only hard thing is that he isn't coming to visit me until the weekend of my birthday IN MARCH. Boo, stupid crazy schedules. My momma and I have been talking a lot recently because of wedding planning, but I miss my mom, dad, and sisters so much. I think this is heightened because I wish I was with them more during this whole wedding planning process. However, I know a few of them are planning to come visit in March, so I'm looking forward to this! I miss South Texas A LOT. New York is wonderful, but it has definitely given me an even firmer appreciation for the Lone Star State and the south in general. I can't wait to be back in Texas where there are pastures, cows, and Taqueria # whatevers. Whoa...I really just typed that;)

Well, like I've said, New York is great. I'm reminding myself every day to soak it all up and take it all in because it won't last long. Obviously, time is already flying by. If anyone wants to visit, PLEASE DO! I'd love some company! Just call and we'll get it all worked out. Please know, my sweet family and friends, that you are on my mind daily and that I'm praying for each and every one of you.

All my love from New York,


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